das ist mal eine unterhaltsame seite: 10 antworten von *kreativen köpfen*. und die liste der befragten kreativen ist lang.
es ist aber auch sinnvoll, unsere eigene arbeit zu reflektieren? damit man weiterkommt, damit man neue wege einschlagen kann, damit man bewährtes fortsetzen kann etc.
die 10 fragen habe ich mal eben frech im original abkopiert- der link führt gleichzeitig zur entsprechenden website.
( die deutsche google-übersetzung stiftet nur verwirrung) ; ich beantworte mir diese fragen selbst, da mich niemand befragt hat.
vielleicht bringen sie euch auch etwas - DIE FRAGEN .
1. How would you describe your work in three words?
me (about mosaik) : colour, pattern, collage
me (about mosaik) : colour, pattern, collage
2. Who is your creative role model?
me: design, handcraft and nature and my mother.
me: design, handcraft and nature and my mother.
3. If you had an extra hour each day what would you do with it?
me: one hour? what about 3 ? reading books in wintertimes , maybe go swimming in summer,
me: one hour? what about 3 ? reading books in wintertimes , maybe go swimming in summer,
4. What place in the world most inspires you and why?
me: my garden and the sea, because its calm there and ful of beauty.
me: my garden and the sea, because its calm there and ful of beauty.
5. If you could do a different job for a day what would it be and why?
me: anything with animals...they give us so much!
me: anything with animals...they give us so much!
6. What is your favorite homemade gift to give?
me: mosaike (and some times cake for my fellows)
7. What is your favorite object in your home?
me: the biggest one is my fireplace, the smallest an italian coffeemaker.
me: mosaike (and some times cake for my fellows)
7. What is your favorite object in your home?
me: the biggest one is my fireplace, the smallest an italian coffeemaker.
8. What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
me: to have always enough time, to *put some flowers at the table* (for me it means, to take care about beauty arround me)
me: to have always enough time, to *put some flowers at the table* (for me it means, to take care about beauty arround me)
9. What websites do you use for inspiration?
me: my own! because it forces me reflecting, what i'm doing (and thinking) and many many blogs (oh what a wonderful creative world)
me: my own! because it forces me reflecting, what i'm doing (and thinking) and many many blogs (oh what a wonderful creative world)
10. When do you consider a piece of your work complete?
me: if i can say: what comes next!
me: if i can say: what comes next!
Yep, my dear! I cannot more agree!
AntwortenLöschenWunderschöner Post. Es lebe die Kunst!
Einen Prosecco drauf! :))
Dein souliges Mate geht jetzt eine Eigenkreation in Blaubeer und Himbeercupcakes machen....Grüßle!